Wednesday 15 January 2014

Why Google+ is the one to watch in 2014

If you mention ‘social networking’ to most people, it’s not unreasonable to believe that the first name that pops into their heads will be Facebook. 

There’s a good reason for that, as Facebook has recently surpassed 1.19 billion active global users since its launch in 2004.

The root of its success is that it embodies the ‘social’ element of social networking far more completely than any of its competitors. A digital Jack-of-all-trades, Facebook allows you to upload life events, photos and videos, share your location and manage your social calendar all through a single portal.

However, as with any product that relies on popular consensus Facebook’s foundations are built on shifting sands and security is never guaranteed.  As tastes and technologies change, users find themselves organically migrating from one platform to another.  

Facebook, we’re being told, is undergoing a crisis as the teen market – so vital for the success of so many products – is abandoning the service in droves. Teenage apathy, after all, was the giant killer that brought down the once unassailable MySpace.

So if Facebook’s reign does begin to wane, what young upstart will take up the crown? Believe it or not, it might just be Google+.

Once maligned with a shrug by those in the know as the ‘why bother’ of social media, Google+, the social platform bought to you by – you guessed it – Google, is really starting to find its feet.

Offhandedly dismissed by many commentators on its launch in 2011 as a den of geeks and boring, grey-socked technology people (potentially due to Google’s on-going invitation only soft launch policy, re: Gmail), Google+ has built its user base spectacularly and now occupies the slot of second most popular social network, with 540 million active users.

Compared to Facebook’s 1.19 billion, this may not seem all that impressive, but considering that Facebook was launched nine years ago while G+ has only just marked its second birthday, this is not something to be sniffed at.

While businesses have faltered in their efforts to position themselves successfully on Facebook, Google+ makes it far easier for companies to integrate their presence into the site and it is now not uncommon to see a red +1 button on a company’s website.

There is also far greater benefit to businesses in having a Google+ presence.  Let’s not forget that the bedrock of its core business is the search engine market so a company profile on Google+ (supported, perhaps, by some sponsored content) offers a boost to brands when it comes to their placement in Google search rankings.

Combined with a solid SEO strategy, the implication (tacit as it may be) is that if you use Google’s products then you may just find yourself heading up the list of ‘organic’ search results.

With a combination of business appeal, seeming omnipotence and good timing, Google+ is definitely one to watch over the coming year.

This post was originally written by me for inclusion on Core Marketing website. 

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