Friday 7 March 2014

Rant of the day: Welcome to a world of zero personal responsibility

The story on the front page of this morning's Metro (below) refers to an 18-year old girl who went out one night, drank 10 Jaegerbombs and then suffered a series of heart attacks that left her in a medically-induced coma for 52 hours.

While this is an unfortunate circumstance for the girl involved, Jayde " convinced that the caffeine in the energy drinks was to blame and is calling for controls on their sale".

She said: "I hope that people will think twice about drinking energy drinks. They could be deadly."

For the uninitiated, Jaegerbombs are made by pouring half a can of Red Bull into a tumbler, dropping in a shot glass containing a measure of powerful German aperitif Jaegermeister and then downing it as quickly as possible.

I like Jaegerbombs and have in the past gone a bit batshit crazy and had...let's call it quick succession. 

However, Jayde - who by her own admission was out for about two hours - knocked back 10 Jaegerbombs. That's the equivalent of drinking FIVE CANS of Red Bull in two hours.

Considering that each can contains about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee (90mg), is it any wonder that she had an adverse reaction? That's like wiring a car battery up to your heart.

The issue here, however, is not that this girl was irresponsible - people who live in glass houses and all that - but rather that this is yet another example of a culture of zero personal responsibility. 

This is a trend that started probably a decade or so ago when the litigious US culture seeped its way over here.

I'm not really sure at what point it became acceptable for us to seek out a scapegoat for every unfortunate event that takes place in our lives, but this weasley attitude is nauseating.

Jayde had three heart attacks because she went out and chose to drink 10 caffeine-powered cocktails. No one - as far as I'm aware - put a gun to her head and forced her to drink them.

Yes, energy drinks can be dangerous if taken in quantities well above the threshold of moderation of indeed common sense, but then again, so can water.

Our lives are what they are because of free will. That's what makes it unpredictable and fun. But whatever the decision that you make, man up and accept the consequences.

And sorry, guys, but the excuse 'but I was drunk' doesn't hold water.

Here endeth today's rant.

Now do some work.

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