Tuesday, 13 August 2013

'CBD Music Takeover' set to take over CBD, unsurprisingly.

I quite like Birmingham: it's friendly, multicultural, metropolitan without the crushing weight of tourists that makes London heave at weekends and everything is walkable. 
This last point in particular is one reason why the recent focus on the city's regeneration - as laid out in the City Council's Big City Plan - is so important. You don't just dive straight into a cab or underground station to get around the city and this makes the need to have a pleasant environment all the more important.  
While areas like the city's under-appreciated and wasteland-like Eastside are receiving some much-needed love and attention - particularly noticeable in the form of the new City Park - the city centre has also received a boost, with areas like the award-winning Church Street public realm springing up, providing an attractive outdoor space in the middle of the city's sometimes quite dower Central Business District (CBD).
And it's great to see that this space, along with a number of others, will be the focus of a two-day music festival. 
The award-winning public realm at Church Street, Birmingham
Running from 12 - 13 September, the two day CBD Music Takeover will (according to the CBD's website) "showcase the region's emerging talent as well as established artists across a range of music genres". 
Performances are due to take place across a number of the District's indoor and outdoor spaces. 
This is yet another string to the bow of Birmingham's burgeoning musical scene and will be an outstanding opportunity to profile up-and-coming artists to a broad audience of suited 9-5'ers whose commute may limit their ability to get down to established music venues like the Flapper or Hare & Hounds. 
The full line-up is due to be published shortly on the CBD website - check in for details. 

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